How to Make Connections with Latin

We worked on declining a noun from the third declension. We used the verb – rex, regis – king. We also practiced declining first and second declension nouns. servus, servi – slave, victoria, victoriae – victory, Maria, Mariae – Mary and gladius, gladii – sword I showed my girls how to translate the words differently

Essentials – Week 7

Teaching Adverbs, Noun of Direct Address, and Appositives One of my favorite ways to teach is to build a sentence. We began my class with a simple imperative sentence and then added the pieces we are practicing today. We started with “Sing a song,” which is a simple imperative sentence. I asked my class, “Who

Practice Combining Sentences

One skill that we learn in Essentials grammar program (of Classical Conversations) is to combine sentences using who-which clauses.   Technically speaking, these clauses are relative adjective clauses using the relative pronouns who or which.  But the IEW curriculum simply calls these “who-which” clauses, to make the idea approachable to students. So, how do we


[This post contains affiliate links.] On our labor day road trip, we listened to this missionary story on audio book.  It’s one of our favorites – the story of Lilian Trasher (as a part of the Christian Heroes Then & Now Series).  The subtitle is The Greatest Wonder in Egypt. So, as we are studying ancient

Cycle 1 Week 1

Typically, my approach to CC is: casually review throughout the week check out library books on topic research in more depth and give a presentation on something we learned two or three times a semester, not every week draw what we are learning, using our drawing books answer the questions the kids ask me about

Guide to Supplementing Essentials

What does my child need to be successful in Essentials?  How do I make sure my child is learning enough but not too overwhelmed?  Is the guide (the curriculum) enough? Or do I need to add extra practice? We worry over the details of the curriculum.  First year students seem overwhelmed.  Third year students may